Focusing on a Full Funnel Marketing Strategy

"I need more customers," the client said to me as we were exploring his marketing needs.

"I agree,” I said, but then asked the client if he knew that his direct competitor had Seventy-Five 5-star reviews to his 3?

"If you were online,” I asked, "and you needed emergency air-conditioning service and you Googled air conditioning services near me and you saw your text ad in the search results with 3 reviews vs. 75, which would you click on?”

Human nature is such that we tend to want to engage with businesses that are well established, have a track record of performance, and are consistently at the top of their field. That’s why marketing is NOT a single tactic exercise. It’s why the most successful small and medium-sized businesses invest in all phases of the customer journey, the journey the customer takes when they become interested in making a purchase.

At Salem Surround, we take that journey very seriously and we have a variety of products or tactics that address that journey. EVERY successful campaign today is designed to build your brand while also marketing during the important consideration phase that the consumer is making. Back to the air-conditioning client. The consumer is considering which air-conditioning client to investigate further. The one with 75 reviews wins more often because it fits the notion that the business, we are considering spending our money with has more engagement and likely more success than ones with fewer reviews. During that consideration phase, they may look at your website and like most consumers today, if you don’t see a website that meets their immediate needs they leave and they leave fast likely to never return.

  • Is your brand known in the geographical areas you want to target?
  • Are you soliciting reviews, updating your Facebook and Instagram feeds to actively continue your relationships?
  • Are you looking to grow your database of customers?
  • Is your website fast and focused on key elements the consumer needs?

If you can answer yes to these questions, you put yourself in a much better position to capture a consumer when they are ready to buy!

Numerous studies have shown that it takes anywhere form 10-30 touch points by a business before a consumer will buy something. Investing solely or primarily in just one phase of the journey will NOT reach them as they move from awareness of your brand to consideration in engaging with you to action. There is NO shortcut to success. Let Salem Surround help you with your Marketing Strategy. We have a lot of success in helping businesses grow. Reach out to us today and we’ll show you! 

Smiling people participate in a standup meeting in an open office
A woman makes a purchase on her laptop

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